Adam's Cool Website
Let's try something a little different
With Twitter terrible, Facebook as bad as ever, and TikTok its whole own thing, I'm going old-school.
I don't know that I necessarily believe the doomsaying about Twitter collapsing — I think that beautiful hellhole of a site is likely to live no matter which pharaonic amoral billionaire decides to buy it. But all the doomsaying has helped me realize that maybe I'd be better off—happier, healthier—if I were on it a little less.
Don't misunderstand me, I love it too -- I love the constant exposure to different ideas, the ability to feel like I'm keeping in touch with friends from around the world in near-real time, and the way that it has helped me find new professional collaborators. But as time goes on, I'm realizing how much stress social media is heaping on me. I can't quit it entirely -— it's a fairly key part of my work -- but if I can get away from it a little more on my own time, I suspect I'll be happier and more productive.
So, consider this blog my experiment with the "slow internet," my attempt to take up a little more space and time with what I'm putting out there.
Next post: What I'm Into This Week, November 27, 2022